If you are interested in learning more about the definitions and challenges associated with frailty and the way in which it is defined, experienced and managed then please explore the collection of public-facing reports found below. If you are looking for a more in-depth, research perspective then you might also like to review our repository of relevant research papers.

Click on the images of the reports to access them.

Centre for Ageing Better

The Centre for Ageing Better are focused on tackling inequalities in ageing. They have an extensive resources section available on their website https://ageing-better.org.uk/resources 

Age-friendly communication principles

The Centre for Ageing Better has developed this short video, as well as a number of guides including one on Challenging ageism: A guide to talking about ageing and older age

The Emergence Network is keen to ensure that we tackle ageism and following the guidance from the Centre for Ageing Better when we consider how robotics technologies can be designed and deployed to enable older people to enjoy life to the fullest and remain active contributors to their communities.  

The State of Ageing 2023-24

Centre for Ageing Better

There is a growing divide in our experiences of ageing. This summary discusses the data on our older population, highlighting stark inequalities and the urgent need for action. 

Living Longer: Infographics

Centre for Ageing Better

These infographics, or evidence cards, summarise key stats and context around our ageing population using engaging and accessible illustrations. 

Ageism: What's the harm?

Centre for Ageing Better

The Centre for Ageing Better's online report gives an overview of the harm that ageism causes to both individuals and society.

Age UK

Age UK aims to be a centre of expertise on ageing issues and a knowledge hub for all information relating to older people. All reports and publications are made public here https://www.ageuk.org.uk/our-impact/policy-research/publications/ 

Understanding Frailty

Age UK

‘Frailty’ is a term that’s used a lot, but is often misunderstood. When used properly, it refers to a person’s mental and physical resilience, or their ability to bounce back and recover from events like illness and injury. This webpage from age UK includes links to a number of useful resources around understanding frailty and living with frailty.

I just feel that no one cares

Age UK

Results of Age UK’s research into the mental health of people aged 50 and over.  

The State of Health and Care of Older People in England 2023

Age UK

This is the first 'State of the Older Nation' report that Age UK has produced since the pandemic and as such it's the first comprehensive analysis of our older population's health and care needs, and how well they are being met, for several years 

NHS England

NHS England provide resources to support the prevention, identification and self-managment of frailty including relevant NICE guidelines https://www.england.nhs.uk/ourwork/clinical-policy/older-people/frailty/preventing-frailty/ 

NHS RightCare: Frailty Toolkit

NHS England

Increasing numbers of people are at risk of developing frailty. People living with frailty are experiencing unwarranted variation in their care. This toolkit will provide you with expert practical advice and guidance on how to commission and provide the best system wide care for people living with frailty. 

Frailty: A framework of core capabilities

This framework was commissioned by Health Education England and NHS England. This is a joint partnership publication by Skills for Health, NHS England and Health Education England. 

Health Education England and NHS England commissioned the development of this core capabilities framework to improve the effectiveness and capability of services for people living with frailty. 

Other Reports

Further reports about frailty, frailty care, healthy ageing and digital technology.

The Future of Ageing

Nuffield Council on Bioethics

Joining the dots: A blueprint for preventing and managing frailty in older people


Reducing Health Inequalities for People Living with Frailty


What matters to people with multiple conditions and their carers?


Comprehensive Care: Older People Living with Frailty in Hospitals


EPSRC Health Technologies Strategy


Seeing the Frailty System of Care in Midlothian

Midlothian Health and Social Care

Improving Care and Support for People Living with Frailty in Scotland


Engaging with Research in Care Homes


Understanding Regulations of AI and Digital Technology in Health and Social Care


Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources

