Meet the EMERGENCE Project Team

The EMERGENCE network has assembled a world-class multidisciplinary project team to bring together their expertise in healthcare technology research from across the UK. Together they bring the interdisciplinary skills and complementary approaches needed to spearhead a shared learning initiative to drive and coordinate the development of robotics technology for frailty in all sectors of health and social care.

Click the images for full profiles

Prof. Praminda Caleb-Solly

Principal Investigator
University of Nottingham

Prof. Mark Hawley

University of Sheffield

Prof. Alessandro Di Nuovo

Sheffield Hallam University

Prof. Farshid Amirabdollahian

University of Hertfordshire

Dr. Mauro Dragone

Heriot-Watt University

Dr. Stephen Potter

University of Sheffield

Rebekah Moore

Project Manager
University of Nottingham

Meet our Advisory Board Members...

Prof. Luc De Witte (Chair)

Professor in Technology for Health
The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Zoe Clarke

Environment Control Service Lead Clinical Specialist
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Grahame Cumming

Strategic Programme Manager (Acute)
NHS Lothian

Prof. Marc Desmulliez

Associate Principal (Impact)  
Heriot-Watt University

Elaine Gemmell

Head of Regulatory Affairs
InnoScot Health

Karen Llewellyn

Senior Project Manager
Bristol Health Partners Academic Health Science Centre

Michael Szollosy

Community and Communications Officer
BOW Software 

Mark Van Loock

Technology Manager Robotics
Toyota Motor Europe 

Peter Waggett

Director of Emerging Technology

Tim Whittlestone

Medical Director
North Bristol NHS Trust 

Meet our Steering Group Members...

Prof. Sally Fowler-Davis (Chair)

Professor in Allied Health
Anglia Ruskin University

Dr Ganesh Arunchalam

The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust

Dr Sarah Burch

Director of Research and Research Students
Anglia Ruskin University

Wendy Bradley

PIRG (Public Interest Research Group) Involvement

Sean Clarkson

Head of Strategic Operations Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber

Liz Copley

Consultant Occupational Therapist  

Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust 

Dr Angela Dickinson

Senior Research Fellow
University of Hertfordshire

Kirsty Gillingham

Active in the Community  

Petra Klompenhouwer

Occupational Therapist  
Hillsborough Primary Care Network 

Prof. Opinder Sahota

Professor of Ortho-Geriatric Medicine  
Nottingham Ortho-Geriatric Unit

Shirley Sherwood

Chair of PIRG 

Dr Robert Stewart

Medical Director for Education and Research 
Digital Innovation Centre
